Vibration connects ancient wisdom with modern physics. The sounds we hear are part of the range of vibrational frequencies around and within us. Sound and vibrations affect us physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. The use of sound in healing extends from ancient chants to modern medicine, from OM to ultrasound.
When we are in a funky mood, often we choose to listen to music that makes us feel better. There are many good reasons for how and why this happens! When we are in harmony with our own natural vibration, we are “in resonance” with ourselves and the world around us. This can be described as being in a natural state of joy, underlying serenity, a sense of “being right” with our world.
We require acoustic vibrations with natural overtones to keep us in balance. The instruments I prefer all produce sounds and overtones to nurture our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual systems. These include:
- Himalayan singing bowls
- Crystal singing bowls
- Pythagorean-tuned chimes
- Gong
- Tingshas, Balinese bell
- Tuning forks
- Frame drum, rainstick, rattles, shell chimes
Very importantly, I use focused sound to trigger the relaxation response. Science research confirms how natural sounds help the healing process.